August Class at Galbert’s!

I’ll be teaching a bowl carving course at Peter Galbert’s school in Rollinsford, NH, just 12 miles from the Maine coast, August 12-17, 2024. Pete and I have talked about this possibility for a couple years, and I’m so happy that I’m finally able to do it. The spots will become available on Wednesday, May 8 at 8:00 am. Here’s the link to register, along with the course description, for when the time comes. Registration is handled through the Galbert website.

Galbert’s school overlooking the Salmon Falls River in Rollinsford, NH. Photo from

I’m looking forward to this six-day format at Pete’s, with time to devote to important topics like sharpening, design variations, finishing and so on.

By starting with a dry plank, we’ll be able to go through all of the steps in carving a bowl, including the final details that make such a difference. So, you’ll leave with a beautiful, useful serving bowl like the one in the top photo of this post. But, more importantly, I want you to take home an understanding of concepts and techniques that will allow you to design and make bowls with whatever wood (green or dry) and facilities are available to you. And the know-how to sharpen your tools, and get the most from your compass, and see the potential in a bit of tree. Then throw in the memories of a special week spent creating and sharing laughs with a handful of interesting people.

This is the first time I’ll be teaching this particular course, so I want to maintain some flexibility at this point to respond to ideas as the class approaches and during the class itself. In addition to the main bowl, I envision each student leaving with a sample board of sorts with decorative carving motifs to use on future bowls or other projects. Maybe an additional small project…we’ll see. I’ll have several bowl examples there to explore and discuss. There will be time to respond to your interests and questions as they arise. We’ll all learn a lot and it will be a blast. I know I’m looking forward to the experience. I hope to see you there.

We’re calling the course Bowl Carving Exploration. If the class happens to fill up, make sure to get on the waiting list. That will give me even more reason to go back. And be sure to check out the other courses on the schedule. Pete has an incredible lineup, including a just-added 17th century oak box making/carving course with Peter Follansbee.

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10 Responses to August Class at Galbert’s!

  1. Tone says:

    Gorgeous bowl, again, Dave :). And nice Swiss gouges, Pfeil?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Russ Heisinger says:

    will the class be open to beginners and are all tools provided?

    Sounds great!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dave Fisher says:

      The class is open to all, regardless of experience level. Students will need to bring a few tools. There is a list of required tools with the course description at Galbert’s site. The silver lining to that is students will leave with their own tools that are properly sharpened. And the required tool list is pretty manageable and useful for woodworking beyond bowl carving. No need for the heavy-ticket items like an adze or axe.


  3. Chris Edie says:

    It’s not often that I wished I lived in the USA.

    Maybe at some not too distant point in the future we could have you come down to Australia to run a course like this.
    hope everything goes well I am sure it will be vastly oversubscribed.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. rlmlsimmons says:


    Do you have any experience with “Hirsch” carving gouges?


    Bob Simmons


    div>Sun City West

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  5. David Thompson says:

    Have a huge cherry tree in my backyard that the entire top broke off a few years ago…the trunk is tall and straight for 12-16′ and 3′ plus diameter. If you want it your welcome to come get it….free of charge…let me know if you want a picture….my email is….live in central MA.


    • Dave Fisher says:

      Thank you, David. If we can’t take advantage of your kind offer, maybe somebody else out there will. It would be a shame for a tree like that to not have a second life. In fact, there may be some lumber guys near you that would love to have it. Straight 36″ wide cherry boards are nothing to sneeze at!


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