Let Follansbee be Your Guide


About a decade ago, my mind was blown by the boxes and furniture that Peter Follansbee was talking about on his blog.  There he was splitting up oak logs into boards and joining them together.  Well, how do you not go ahead and try that?!


What a joy it is to rive and plane green oak and stand amid the fragrant shavings.  And on top of that, you get incredible, stable stock.  Then there’s those stunning  patterns to carve boldly.  I devoured information from Peter’s posts in order to make several pieces.  Some of these became gifts, and others still serve in our home, like the toolbox above.

And now Peter has put everything together, the patterns, the methods, the tools, the classic designs, and the decades of experience and research into a new book published by Lost Art Press — Joiner’s Work.  Here’s a photo of it below.  Has there ever been a better dust jacket?

Joiner's Work dust jacket

This book is truly a treasure trove of inspiration and information.  It reads as if Peter is right there in your shop guiding you with Follansbee wit and hard-won wisdom and knowledge.

Although Peter leads you step by step, the projects don’t require you to follow a rigid set of measurements and orders, rather they encourage you to loosen up and work with what the tree offers and adapt accordingly.  Peter focuses on the concepts and attitudes that empower you — although he’d never put it that way.   You can adapt to your preferences: start with sawn boards, or just carve panels if you don’t want to build pieces, or build the furniture and nix the carving, or use walnut instead of oak.

Read Peter’s blog post here to learn more about his road to this book.  And there’s more information about the book here at Lost Art Press.  Buying books can be like buying tools — better to buy one great one than two mediocre ones.

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2 Responses to Let Follansbee be Your Guide

  1. Rudy Everts says:

    Hi David,
    I read somewhere that you did the drawings for Peter’s book? I am definitely getting this book, it looks incredible. Are you coming to Germany on your trip to Europe?
    All the best from Munich,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dave Fisher says:

      Hi Rudy,
      I did six drawings for Peter’s book, one to lead in to each project chapter. These drawings serve as sort of a map to label the various parts of each piece along with the typical range of dimensions for the parts. Helps to guide the riving process and keep the terminology straight through the chapter. I was honored to do it and contribute a tiny bit to the book. Peter worked on it for eight years; I worked on it for a week or two.

      Germany won’t be a stop on the Europe trip, but that would be a treat someday. I even remember a little German from high school — as long as I’m asked to count, I’ll be in good shape.

      Liked by 2 people

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