More Massachusetts

Southbridge Hotel and Conference Center, originally the home of American Optical Company and the venue for Fine Woodworking Live 2018.

I don’t get out much, but when I do, it seems like I find myself in Massachusetts.  The last couple years, I’ve been in Plymouth in June for Greenwood Fest.  Watch for announcements and updates for the 2018 fest at the Greenwood Fest website.  It probably won’t be long until the plans start to come together.  And this year I’ll be in south central Mass. a couple months earlier as well.

The folks at Fine Woodworking Magazine invited me to be a part of Fine Woodworking Live 2018 in Southbridge.   I’ll be demonstrating and presenting, as will some friends from Greenwood Fest, like Peter Follansbee and Peter Galbert.  I’m also looking forward to the chance to meet and talk to many of the other presenters, including woodcarver Mary May.  The best part will just be the chance to interact with, and learn from, the dozens of woodworkers coming together in one place.  Registration is now open, so I thought I’d mention it here on the blog for those who might want to attend.


And, if you’re in the mood for reading, the upcoming issue of Fine Woodworking — “Tools and Shops” — includes an article about my humble little workshop.   I received a copy and noticed an update on the bowl carving instructional video I mentioned awhile back.  Ben, Jeff, and the team — which may just be Ben and Jeff because they’re that good — have been working hard and it looks like it’s about ready!


Just a heads-up in case you might be interested.  I don’t know how long the final video will be, but there’s no length limit with the streaming service.  The few short videos I’ve posted to Youtube over the years have just been made by me and an ipad.  In this case with two really good cameras rolling throughout, I was able to discuss and demonstrate the process from log to bowl while leaving the filming and editing to the experts.  I won’t be polished, but the video quality is sure to be.  And the Fine Woodworking video library overall is diverse and impressive.






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8 Responses to More Massachusetts

  1. Andy Sistrand says:

    So that’s what Peter Follansbee looks like without a beard! Seriously, Dave, the “Fine Woodworkig Live” webpage has your picture captioned as “Peter Follansbee,” in case someone hasn’t already alerted you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The video is going to start releasing tomorrow (Nov 2), and it’s going to be incredible. And yes, the crew does just consist of me and Jeff Roos. But when you have a Jeff, you don’t need much more.

    I think we are looking at an incredibly in depth video of an artist at the top of the game. Dave, your work is amazing, that we know, but your instruction rises to the occasion as well. I’m proud to have been a small part of the process.

    If the members of enjoy it as much as I do, they too will find themselves contemplating selling their tablesaw and on a Hans Karlsson wait list.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Just read the article in FW. Lovely to get a glimpse into your space, and it is generous (and brave) for you to share that intimate portrait. Especially when developed over time like that, it gives real insight into a craftsman’s and/or artist’s personality.

    And I would pay many, many beers to leaf through those notebooks (p. 76). You should, quite seriously, not be a perfectionist and just publish them as-is. I think you might be surprised at the interest in just a plain-and-simple book like that. (Caveat: I say that as someone who dabbles in letterpress, and who strongly believes in plain-and-simple printed things. Whether that came before, or after, the press work I don’t know. Perhaps concurrently?) In any case, think about it. I’m sure Schwartz, or Klein, would leap at the chance.

    You could always write the perfect one later…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dave Fisher says:

    Thanks, David. Glad you enjoyed the article. Those sketchbooks are quite a catch-all. I do very much like the idea of a book with few bells and whistles and lots of sketches. Thanks for the suggestion and the kind words.


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